
Posted: Jan 21, 2021

Rooftop Snow Retention Products And Guarantees

By Brian Stearns

As a leading authority on rooftop snow management systems, Brian Stearns, founder and president of Alpine SnowGuards, addresses a frequently asked question: Can a snow guard manufacturer guarantee that their snow retention device will retain all snow and ice on a roof top?

Posted: Jan 21, 2020

How Do Snow Guards Work? Part 2: Pipe-Style

By Brian Stearns

Last time, in part one of this two-part series, we talked about snow guards and customer expectations, specifically in reference to the installation and use of pad-style snow guards. This time let’s shift the focus to pipe-style snow guards.

Posted: Nov 26, 2019

How Do Snow Guards Work? Part 1: Pad-Style

By Brian Stearns

How do snow guards work? Believe it or not, this is a highly debated question within the construction and snow retention industries. It’s a common misconception that snow guards are intended to break up snow and ice into little pieces, basically cut up the mass, so that it comes off in smaller pieces. It’s easy to understand how people with limited knowledge of snow retention might think this.

Posted: Nov 15, 2016

Fall Protection Is A Necessity For Roofers

By Brian Stearns

One of the most dangerous industries to work in is the construction industry. 20% of all employees that died on the job last year (2015) were employed as construction workers. Roofers in particular account for the highest rate of job-related deaths. This has been a pretty consistent statistic over the past few years, so why aren’t these deaths being prevented?

Posted: Sep 13, 2016

Seven Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Roofing Contractor

By Brian Stearns

So, you’re looking into getting your roof repaired….or maybe you’re in the market for a complete re-roof. If either scenario sounds familiar, there are definitely some questions you should ask prospective roofers (notice the “s” on roofers. I added it because you can do yourself a favor by talking to more than one).

Posted: Dec 01, 2015

Solar Roof Systems - DIY: Don't Install Yourself

By Brian Stearns

You finally made the choice to go solar. Seems like it might be pretty easy to install yourself, and save some money, right? Uh…you might want to think again. When it comes to installing an entire solar array on your roof, don’t try it yourself. You’re best to leave all aspects to the experts. One slip up is all it takes to make the process not only frustrating, but time consuming, and wallet-draining as well.

Posted: Nov 03, 2015

Rooftop Solar - Join The Ranks Of Almost A Million Other Homeowners

By Brian Stearns

You’ve finally made the decision to go solar, so what do you do now? What are the next steps, and what should you expect? You want to make sure you do it right, and that you choose a fair, competent, and trusted installation company. Here are some pointers to get you started.

Posted: Oct 06, 2015

Winterize Your Roof In 10 Easy Steps

By Brian Stearns

Deep down you know it…winter is lurking right around the corner. The scorching heat of summer is waning and the leaves changing color and fluttering around our lawns (especially up here in Vermont) are very clear indicators of what’s to come. October means apple picking, drinking apple cider, carving jack-o-lanterns, haunted forests, corn mazes, and Halloween. It also means it’s time to think about getting your roof prepared for winter, as temperatures are dropping significantly during the overnight hours.

Posted: Jan 27, 2015

Do You Really Need An Annual Roof Inspection? Absolutely!

By Brian Stearns

Having your roof inspected is the single most important thing you can do to ensure its overall lifespan. Annually is better than never, but if you are in a location that experiences extreme weather conditions over different periods throughout the year (like most of us), the majority of roofing contractors suggest inspecting your roof at least twice a year, in the Fall and again in the Spring or early Summer. Since Spring will be here before we know it, it’s actually a good time to start thinking about this now.

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