
Posted: Aug 18, 2020

Metal Roof And Wall Panel Colors Offer Endless Design Choices

By Shawn Zuver

Color is a time-tested method of adding personality to buildings, albeit sometimes more effectively than others. Its use can offer a way for buildings to blend with the environment, with surrounding structures, or to create a stronger—sometimes even bold—statement to make the building stand out.

Posted: Dec 23, 2019

Exploring Metal Construction Misconceptions, Part 2

By Shawn Zuver

I addressed a few common myths concerning metal construction products in my previous column. Like all myths, sometimes they’re based on fact - or some small thread of a fact - and other times they’re simply way off-base. In this installment, I'd like to take a look at a handful of other often-heard misconceptions.

Posted: Nov 05, 2019

Exploring Metal Construction Misconceptions, Part 1

By Shawn Zuver

Whether it's the existence of Bigfoot, assassination conspiracy theories, or the idea that the U.S. moon landings were faked, the appetite for urban legends and myths seems to be at an all-time high. This summer there was even a planned movement (apparently conceived as comedy, which some took seriously) to storm Area 51 in Nevada with the hope of proving that the government was hiding evidence of alien encounters. I'd like to review a few common myths or misconceptions about metal construction products that have been around for decades.

Posted: Jun 25, 2019

Understanding Metal Construction Industry Terms, Part 1 - Metal Roofing

By Shawn Zuver

The awareness of metal roofing is undoubtedly at an all-time high, yet I still hear it frequently referred to as “tin roofing". I don't find it to be an offensive reference; instead, it's a reminder of how important language is within the construction industry.

Posted: May 21, 2019

Metal Construction Products Provide Quality And Value That Far Outweigh Price

By Shawn Zuver

We live in a world where price is important to most people, including those of us involved in the construction industry. Through the years we’ve experienced large fluctuations in the prices that are paid for labor, fuel, land and construction products. Despite the fluctuations in price, often times going up and not as frequently trending downward, it seems to me that many people become too focused on cost while overlooking the all-important issue of quality.

Posted: Apr 23, 2019

Metal Building Systems Offer A Wide Range Of Benefits

By Shawn Zuver

Some people refer to metal building systems as pre-engineered, while others think of them as custom-engineered - because they can literally be engineered to the specific needs of any low-rise construction need. And, of course, to many people they are simply metal buildings. Whatever you call them, metal building systems offer a tremendous range of advantages that help them meet the design and functions required by a particular project.

Posted: Sep 26, 2017

Rebuilding After The Devastation Of 2017 Hurricanes

By Shawn Zuver

Summer of 2017 has just drawn to an end and, unfortunately, it will long be remembered for one of the most devastating hurricane seasons that the U.S. and Caribbean region have ever experienced. The 2017 hurricanes have caused a tragic loss of life, property and sense of security that may not be fully calculated until years in the future, if ever. We at DesignandBuildwithMetal.com offer our condolences to the millions of people who were touched by these tragedies.

Posted: Aug 29, 2017

Social Media For Metal Buildings, Roofing And Wall Systems

By Shawn Zuver

I remember the first time that I was exposed to fax transmissions. It was when my now-partner, then co-worker Bob Fittro received a magazine article proof that he had originally sent by mail for approval. Before it was returned to Bob, apparently the original recipient had been faxed to other people for comments. We knew right away that this was going to become a new way of doing business.

Posted: Jan 17, 2017

Sustainability And Residential Landing Pages Provide Focused Info, Save Time

By Shawn Zuver

At DesignandBuildwithMetal.com, we realize that time is a precious asset for everyone so we've kicked off 2017 by introducing Sustainability and Residential Landing Pages that help architects, contractors and building/home owners find the information they need as quickly as possible.

Posted: Jul 26, 2016

Color-Changing Coatings For Metal Wall Panels

By Shawn Zuver

Lately I've been noticing an increasing amount of vehicles, typically collectible older cars and pickups but sometimes recent models, which have the ability to change colors as they drive past. It's a fascinating sensation to see a red Camaro suddenly morph to purple and then aqua, and then red again. Something similar can be accomplished with metal wall panels by selecting paint finishes that allow colors to change depending on the angle of the sun or shadows that may come into play.

Posted: Sep 29, 2015

Residential Metal Roofing - The Secret Is Out

By Shawn Zuver

Everyone has secrets. Sometimes they're small and sometimes they're life-altering. Sometimes they go to the grave and other times they're exposed and have dramatic repercussions that change the fates of nations. In our industry, it appears that the secret about metal roofing is out because it seems like everywhere I turn lately on TV there's someone championing the benefits of metal roofs, particularly for homes.

Posted: Aug 18, 2015

METALCON 2015 By The Numbers

By Shawn Zuver

As we draw closer to the 25th anniversary of METALCON at the Tampa Convention Center, October 14-16, 2015, I've been reflecting on how the annual trade show and conferences have changed since that first year in Washington, DC. If you've been to previous METALCONs, you don't need me to tell you why it's worth the trip. If you haven't been there, I'd strongly encourage you to check it out. There are lots of great things planned for this silver anniversary.

Posted: Nov 12, 2014

Is It Rust Or Should We Now Call It Patina?

By Shawn Zuver

I have a friend who bought a beat-up Model T truck a couple years ago and did a great job of bringing it back to running condition, as he’s done with other old autos. What's different about this one is that it doesn’t look as restored as his other projects. There are no bright colors or great graphics. In fact, he preserved the truck’s “barn-find” appearance by sealing the rust that covers nearly all of the metal surfaces.

Posted: Jul 29, 2014

No Going Back To Print: DesignandBuildwithMetal.com More Mobile Friendly

By Shawn Zuver

Everywhere I go, somebody is whipping out a tablet or smartphone to look up a product or an answer to some important, or not-so-important, fact. They’re being used literally every day by seemingly everyone . It’s undeniable that these devices have changed the way people live their lives personally and professionally, prompting me to reflect on how significantly electronic devices and media have become ingrained in the world’s culture during the last seven years since Bob Fittro, John Garvey and I launched DesignandBuildwithMetal.com in July 2007.

Posted: Apr 30, 2014

Information Is Everywhere, As Proved By Trying To Avoid It

By Shawn Zuver

Once upon a time, there was no written communication and the only way to exchange information was by word of mouth – and even before that, it was likely a system of hand and facial gestures, which I can only imagine led to a great deal of ambiguity and rampant misunderstanding. Fortunately, that pre-dates all of us by at least thousands and thousands of years. Or, is “fortunately” really the best word choice?

Posted: Nov 11, 2008

What Do Metal Wall Panels Cost? Pricing Single Skin, Insulated Metal Panels, Metal Composite And Others

By Shawn Zuver

In past columns, I’ve discussed pricing for metal roofing and metal building systems. After calling attention to some of the many variables that have an effect on cost, I threw out some low-end estimates of what you might expect to pay. Since those articles were posted, I’ve been asked why I don’t offer the same information for metal walls. It’s a good question, which I’ll try to address here.

Posted: Jun 04, 2008

How Much Does Metal Roofing Cost? Pricing Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Zinc And Galvanized

By Shawn Zuver

How much does metal roofing cost? It’s a straightforward question and one that I’d imagine is asked hundreds, if not thousands, of times a day across the world. My standard response is “It depends”. Admittedly, this is a weak reply but, unfortunately, it’s really the best that I can initially offer despite having been involved in this industry since the mid-1980s. If you have a few minutes, I’ll try to explain.

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