GSSI-October 2024-skscraper

Posted: Oct 27, 2015

Transparency In Building Products - Part 3

By Bob Zabcik

It has been a long time since my last blog on this subject. This is not only because I’ve been busy but also because the landscape of green building programs in general has changed significantly since Part 2, and I wanted to wait to see how things shook out before I wrote something that might be immediately outdated.

Posted: Jul 21, 2015

Transparency In Building Products - Part 2

By Bob Zabcik

A huge buzzword in the building products industry these days is transparency. The green building movement, which has previously focused on high-performing buildings with a strong emphasis on energy efficiency and fossil fuel use reduction, has increasingly put its cross hairs on occupant exposure risk in the last few years. Hhow this new emphasis is being implemented is really fueling the fire for new arguments.

Posted: Jun 23, 2015

The Importance Of Consensus In Building Standards - Part 1

By Bob Zabcik

Most people understand the purpose of a building code: To ensure the safety of the occupants and to establish the minimum accepted performance level of the building and its systems. Fewer people understand that because building codes are adopted into law by a governing body, technically referred to as an Authority Having Jurisdiction or AHJ, they are an in fact an extension of the law or ordinance that brings them into effect.

Posted: Jan 21, 2014

Radiant Barrier FAQ

By Bob Zabcik

I’ve always been a huge fan of the space program (Shocked to hear that, are you?) and I remember as a kid watching the space shuttle launch and repair satellites and was always curious why everything was wrapped in shiny foil. Now, as an engineer and resident energy nerd for my company, I encounter radiant barriers often. That has closed a loop for me because it turns out the mystery foil on the satellites and equipment was indeed a radiant barrier.

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