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Pinecrest Residence

RHEINZINK America Inc.

Seeing the impressive nature and beauty of his nearly-complete 10,000 square foot hillside home in West Vancouver, British Columbia, an undeterred homeowner decided to recreate the design after the original structure was tragically destroyed by fire.

Approximately 2,000 sq. ft. of RHEINZINK® 0.7mm/24 gauge Double Lock Standing Seam roof panels and 2,000 sq. ft. of RHEINZINK 0.8mm/22 gauge S-Lock wall panels were integral to the design. Both systems were finished in Preweathered Pro Blue Gray.

The RHEINZINK standing seam roofing and fascia system articulates the massing, according to Canadian architect Michel Coutya of Vancouver. The standing seam technique scales the components and softens the edges. “The curvilinear architecture flows from the site configuration, its sloping topography and a stunning city view,” according to Coutya. “The design was enhanced by the beauty and flexibility of the RHEINZINK, which is also known for its durability and workability.”

Fabrication and installation of the RHEINZINK panels was done by TV Metals, Coquitlam, British Columbia.

“The characteristics that RHEINZINK offered were ideal for this application,” reports Georg Koslowski, RHEINZINK’s Director of Technical Services-Canada. “The owner, architect and installer all saw the impact of the nearly-completed original residence. There was no question about duplicating it and adding more zinc to define the soffits.”

About RHEINZINK America Inc.

RHEINZINK America, Inc. is a North American provider of architectural zinc used in the fabrication of roofing, facades, rainware and architectural details. For more information visit  www.rheinzink.us.

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