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University Of Quebec à Chicoutimi Arena de L’UQAC

Kalzip Inc.

Located in the picturesque region of Saguenay, Quebec, Canada, the University of Quebec à Chicoutimi features several wonderful structures designed to meet the needs of the academic and research programs for which the university is known.

The most recent addition to the campus is the Arena de L’UQAC, which features a distinctive metal roof with a curve that extends down over one of the structure’s walls. The design was created by Roger Fradette, Senior Architect at Boulay, Fradette, Boudreault and Associes in Saguenay, Quebec, who was also the architect of record for the project.

The building is topped with 28,651 sq. ft. of jobsite-rollformed, stucco-embossed Kalzip 65/400 roof panels. Another 3,708 square feet of the panels were shop fabricated to the exact curvature and applied as cladding on the curve that extends over the wall.

The university is known for its significant research in aluminum and metallurgy and is located in what is known as “the valley of aluminum” because of the area’s large amount of aluminum production. The new arena is used by the university primarily for ice hockey and skating, and by the city for certain public events. To enhance the experience, the university also wanted this structure to show local visitors another dimension of aluminum – its great aesthetic appeal.

Bleachers placed on one side of the arena, cleverly integrate it with the university’s new multi-purpose football and soccer field – much to the delight of football and soccer fans.

The university’s plan has worked well. Visitors to this unique structure are said to find it very appealing. Members of the design community also have recognized the ingenious design. The building has been featured in regional architectural magazines, and the Order of Architects of Quebec acknowledged the Arena de L’UQAC’s design and organized a site visit for members.

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