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Western Reserve Harley-Davidson

Floline Architectural Systems LLC

Completed in multiple phases, the Western Reserve Harley-Davidson dealership in Mentor, Ohio, includes five canopies that were clad with crimp-curved panels and curved trim by Floline Architectural Systems. In addition, curved panels and curved trims were used inside the dealership, to carry the outdoor architectural design highlights inside the facility.

The curved wall panels were manufactured from 22-gauge G-90 galvanized steel with a Kynar silver metallic finish. In addition, curved trim pieces were manufactured from 0.125 aluminum and post–painted in a custom Kynar finish called Harley-Davidson Orange.

The general contractor and installer was Ray Fogg Building Methods Inc. of Cleveland, Ohio. Rick Neiden of Ray Fogg Building Methods commented that he was very pleased with the Floline system and would like to use it on future projects.

About Floline Architectural Systems

Floline_logoFloline Architectural Systems manufactures curved panels. For more information, visit www.flolinesystems.com.

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