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Ottoville Do-It Center


Ottoville Do-It Center is a family-owned and operated hardware and furniture store in Ottoville, OH. Three brothers along with their father manage and maintain the store.

The building had been remodeled several times in its one-hundred year existence. It began as a livery stable and was later a gas station before the current owners turned it into a hardware store. The hot Ohio summers made it difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature with the old blanket insulation pinched between the roof panels.

The HIGH-R system has been reported to keep the showroom at seventy-nine degrees in a space that was never before below eighty-four degrees. The owners are ecstatic about the results. In one recent winter, HIGH-R helped them to realize a forty per cent decrease in consumption over the previous year’s monthly usage. Besides feeling good about the choice of using the High-R system, the owners have had many compliments on the look of the showroom.

About HIGH-R

High_R_logoHIGH-R Inc. offers insulation systems. For more information, visit www.high-r.com.

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