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Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport

Cambridge Architectural

A first-of-its-kind architectural mesh movable gate system delivers security, operational flexibility and a clean aesthetic inside the U.S. Customs area at Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport in Dorval, Quebec, Canada. The new security gate is part of Montreal-Trudeau Airport’s transborder terminal renovation project, which has expanded, modernized and made the terminal more user-friendly. The innovative security partitions provided by Cambridge Architectural quickly became one of the more impressive components of the overall renovation project, due to their unique nature.

“Near the end of its installation, this product was generating buzz, and it quickly became the central focus of the entire airport expansion project,” says Rolando Rifiorati, Director of Engineering for Corflex Partitions Inc., the installer of the project.

The combination of strong, yet flexible architectural mesh and a movable system secured by electromagnets make this application a first for Cambridge – and a first for any manufacturer of metal fabric. Each of the mesh panels are designed to connect so that materials cannot pass between them, while their bottoms all raise simultaneously. When lowered, electromagnets hold the panels to the floor, making them immovable.

“The Montreal-Trudeau airport project is an exciting new application of our product, and speaks to our engineering capabilities,” says Mike Moorhouse, Director of Sales for Cambridge Architectural. “This is only the beginning of what we can do with movable systems. Because we have so many proven attachment systems already in place, we’re poised to adapt them to set new standards in architecture and building design.”

In terms of aesthetics, the sleek nature of architectural mesh, combined with the high-tech form of the movable partition system, creates an unobtrusive and polished look for the U.S. Customs area of the airport. The system has a light, airy feel, but still provides strength and security at the same time.

Because of Cambridge’s engineering experience and support from start to finish, installation of the mesh partitions at Montreal-Trudeau Airport was simple, and adapted well to project changes. Cambridge always offers full engineering support for its systems, and honors a Gross Maximum Pricing model – assuring clients that regardless of how the project’s needs change, Cambridge’s price will not.

“Considering this was a first-of-its-kind motorized partition, the installation process went smoothly,” says Rolando Rifiorati. “Every time a change had to be made, Cambridge helped to make it happen without a hitch.”

The Montreal-Trudeau Airport U.S. Customs partition was created with mesh in Cambridge’s Mid-Balance metal fabric pattern, which features large-scaled, flexible open weaves that shade and screen structures including facades, parking garages and pavilions.

Cambridge’s Eclipse™ tension attachment hardware was used to install the Mid-Balance product. Tailored edges are provided for expanses of flexible metal fabric in tension. Elegant, custom cut apertures receive the metal fabric ends in tubing that is integrated into a bracket and structural support design. Tube sizes may vary to emphasize or de-emphasize the attachment. The Eclipse hardware is appropriate for lengths of metal fabric held in tension up to 100 feet.

Construction on the U.S. Customs area at Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport was completed in December 2008. The project team included architect consortium Cardinal Hardy/Jodoin Lamarre Pratte, Montreal, Quebec and installer Corflex Partitions Inc., Delson, Quebec.

About Cambridge Architectural

Cambridge Architectural is a full-service provider of architectural metal mesh systems for both interior and exterior building applications. For more information, visit

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