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Chapa-De Indian Health Clinic

Custom-Bilt Metals

Located in Grass Valley, Calif., Chapa-De Indian Health Clinic is one of three California-based clinics owned by Chapa-De Indian Health Program, Inc., providing health care services to American Indians/Alaskan Native, Medi-Cal/Medicare recipients, medically indigent and other populations.

A defining feature of the clinic—which was completed in September 2008—is a complex roof design that incorporates many hips and valleys, and very few straight panels, to create a unique appearance.

Custom-Bilt Metals’ Titan Standing Seam SL-1750 panels were selected for the clinic’s roofs with a Titan Cool Roof coating in a Moss Green color. Approximately 450 squares (45,000 sq. ft.) of the 18”-wide panels were produced on site by a factory-trained operator. One of the many benefits Custom-Bilt Metals offers is the ability to fabricate panels at the job site, or to factory-produce its products—depending on each project’s requirements.

Titan Standing Seam complements the project with a classic look that produces dramatic shadow lines which run continuously from ridge to eave, accenting the pitch and plane of every roof angle. The metal panels feature the Titan Cool Roof coating, a combination of PPG UltraCool® and KYNAR® 500 reflective pigmentation technology that delivers highly-efficient cooling performance.

The project’s contractor was S. D. Deacon, Citrus Heights, CA. The metal roofing installer was Watson Roofing. The project architect was Elaine M. Lieske – Architect, Grass Valley, CA.

Custom-Bilt Metals’ technical and sales staff worked at length with the architect to provide project-specific weathertight details such as flashings, built-in gutter, and “witches’ caps” (where all hip roof lines come to a peak), to satisfy the architect’s vision for the roof. The Custom-Bilt team also helped with creation of model mock-ups prior to construction.

“The Chapa-De facility is a feather in everyone’s cap,” says Joe Chiovare, general manager for Custom-Bilt Metals. “Our best projects are those where all the stakeholders come together and work toward a common goal of something beautiful and lasting. Chapa-De is a classic example of powerful architecture and highly competent installation of a quality product.”

About Chapa-De Indian Health Program, Inc.

Chapa-De Indian Health Program, Inc., is a community-based and -owned nonprofit corporation that has been providing health care services to American Indians/Alaskan Native, Medi-Cal/Medicare recipients, medically indigent and other populations—regardless of their ability to pay—for more than 28 years. The agency maintains and operates clinics in Auburn, Woodland and Grass Valley, California. All three clinics are licensed by the California State Department of Health Services as community clinics. Chapa-De’s extensive health care services include comprehensive primary medical care, dental and orthodontics, chiropractics, acupuncture, massage, behavioral health and substance abuse counseling, nutrition and health education, maternal/child health education, pharmacy, optometry, podiatry, and Indian cultural activities.

About Custom-Bilt Metals

Custom Bilt Last Time logoCustom-Bilt Metals offers metal roofing systems. For more information, visit

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