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Condominiums On Wainwright Place

Englert Inc.

For a number of reasons—not the least of which is location—real estate in Brielle, NJ, is pretty hard to come by. Located just 50 miles south of New York City and a mere stone’s throw from the Atlantic Ocean, the idyllic little borough has almost no available building lots. That is not to say, however, that new construction is nonexistent...only that it's generally of excellent quality and quite expensive.

A good example is the Condominiums On Wainwright Place. Located less than a mile from the ocean and within a block of an 80-boat marina on the Mansquan River, this single-building project features 10,000 sq. ft. of floor space divided among four living units. Two are 2,700 sq. ft. and feature living room, kitchen, dining room, laundry room, three bedrooms and 3½ baths. Although slightly smaller, the two 2,300 sq. ft. units have a similar footprint. A recent real estate listing for one of the larger units had it priced at just under $950,000.

According to Dave Kinsel of North End Builders of Belmar, NJ, the structure was complex construction because of the many angles on each floor and on the roof. It was also of excellent quality, as the choice of roofing materials suggests. Topping the building is 4,600 sq. ft. of Englert Series 1300 standing seam metal panels. The profile was chosen because it featured the relatively low seam height desired for aesthetic reasons. The 16”-wide, 32-gauge panels were formed by ADPI Inc. of Avenel, NJ. They were supplied in a Slate Grey color, chosen to complement grey siding and white trim.

About Englert Inc.

Englert_logoEnglert Inc. is a developer of commercial and residential metal roofing and gutter systems, and supports a contractor network with the machinery and materials to produce them on site. To learn more, visit

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