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Cornerstone Christian Church

Varco Pruden Buildings

The new facility for Cornerstone Christian Church in Effingham, IL, features a worship area with gymnasium/multi-purpose room and classroom wing for religious education.

The design-build approach, using metal building framing by VP Buildings, cut eight months from the original project schedule. Meanwhile, a mixture of masonry and VP Buildings’ TextureClad panels offers aesthetics to the building’s exterior.

TextureClad combines the rich look of textured stucco with the strength and durability of 20 gauge steel to create a lightweight, easy-to-install, exterior wall system. Panels are designed to meet the demands of local building ordinances where traditional metal wall panels are prohibited. The finish is resistant to water, cracking, flaking, chalking, and mildew and backed with a 20-year warranty. TextureClad panels can be attached directly to standard wall girts with up to 6" of batt insulation and also work great as a soffit.

In addition to the TextureClad wall panels, Vee Rib panels in an Egyptian White color were also used on the walls, while Leaf Green SSR panels and SLR panels by VP Buildings were used on the roof.

K. Wohltman Construction Inc. of Effingham, IL, was the VP Buildings authorized builder and project designer.

About Varco Pruden Buildings

VP Buildings logoVarco Pruden Buildings manufactures steel building systems for low-rise commercial and industrial applications. For more information, visit

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