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Largo Public Library

Drexel Metals Inc.

Designed for long-term use and in keeping with Florida’s predominant architectural style, the $20 million Largo Public library is topped with a Drexel Metals jobsite rollformed metal roof system. The panels for the sprawling 90,000 sq. ft. structure were fabricated at the job site and installed by Morrell Architectural Systems Inc. of Tampa, FL.

The project’s design architect was the Omaha, NE office of Leo A. Daly, working in collaboration with Collman & Karsky of Dunedin, FL.

Used over most of the library’s sloped roof areas was Drexel’s top-of-the-line 200S standing seam system. The mechanically seamed panels—measuring 16” wide with 2”-high seams—were formed from .032” aluminum with a Hemlock Green PVDF paint finish. They were installed over a peel and stick membrane and rigid board insulation on top of 22-gauge B decking.

Approximately 7,000 sq. ft. of curved roof areas were covered with the same Drexel profile, but with the panels for those sections formed from 24-gauge Galvalume-coated steel with a Drexlume clear acrylic coating factory applied to both the top and underside of the metal coil. Drexel also supplied the coil used by the contractor to form nearly 7,000 sq. ft. of soffit panels.

The library was completed in October 2005. The general contractor was Biltmore Construction of Belleair, FL.

About Drexel Metals

Drexel Metals Inc. is a provider of coil, engineering support and machinery to jobsite fabricators of metal roofing. For more information visit

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