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NextGen Home 2006

DECRA Roofing Systems

The NextGen home has been a part of the International Builders Show for four years. In 2006, the demonstration home was built according to the standards of the Institute for Business & Home Safety’s Fortified…for the safer living® program. This program focuses on the need to build safer more disaster-resistant homes. Named the “Peace of Mind” home, the NextGen demonstration home also addresses areas that lead to a more secure, healthy and safe home – green building and energy efficiency.

DECRA was the official roofing category sponsor of the 2006 NextGen Demonstration Home, topping the home with DECRA Shingle Plus. DECRA products add safety to a home; made of stone coated steel, they are durable and long-lasting.

In Florida, high winds during a hurricane are a concern. The interlocking structure and unique horizontal fastening method of DECRA Shingle Plus helps the product withstand some of the harshest weather conditions. Warranted for 50-years, DECRA products come with a 120mph wind warranty, and pass the stringent tests used for Miami-Dade county approval when used with additional fasteners. In addition, the steel panels are secured horizontally through the nose of the panel. This fastening method greatly reduces the possibility of the material becoming a “flying object” during a hurricane.

Stone coated steel offers protection during other types of natural disasters. A metal roof usually weighs half as much as a typical composition shingle roof. During an earthquake, a roof that weighs less has less sway from side to side. Reduced sway from shaking buildings means a reduction in the forces that cause the greatest overall destruction. By contrast, a heavier roof is more likely to cause the walls to collapse when it begins to shake.

People ask about the performance of metal during a lightning storm. Metal roofing is both an electrical conductor, and a noncombustible material. According to the Metal Construction Association, the risks associated with its use are out weighed by performance during a lightning event making it the most desirable construction material available.

Earthquakes and lightning not withstanding, DECRA products also perform well when faced with fire and hail. With a Class “A” fire rating and a Class 4 impact resistance rating, DECRA products maintain the highest UL ratings in the industry.

About DECRA® Roofing Systems Inc.

DECRA® Roofing Systems Inc., a Fletcher Building Products company, manufactures stone-coated steel roofing. For more information, visit

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