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Ivy Tech Community College Reroof

Roof Hugger, LLC

In 2015, the Kokomo campus of Indiana’s community college system, Ivy Tech Community College, was faced with needed repair of aging metal roofs on buildings constructed in the late 1970s and 1980s. Mike Karickhoff, executive director of Facilities for Ivy Tech’s Kokomo Region, is no stranger to roof repair and replacement. He manages more 500,000 square feet under roof in facilities across the region’s six central Indiana counties, and his department faces constant roof repairs.

Three Kokomo campus roofs that covered 83,042 square feet were reroofed using structural factory-notched sub-purlins from Roof Hugger of Lutz, FL, and a 24-gauge, 180-degree Double-Lok roof panel system from Ceco Buildings of Columbus, MS, protected with a 20-year Standard III weather-tight warranty. Included in the project were the Automotive Technology Building, the Technology Building, and the campus’ Learning Resource Center. The architect for the project was Darin Claxton of Dimensions Architects of Kokomo and the contractor was Love Contractors Inc., of Gaston, IN.

This project was completed using Love’s own crews led by Project Manager Mike Cassillas. Started in 1947, Love Contractors has about 20 employees and about 25 percent of their work is metal roofing. Jeffrey Love, owner and president of Love Contractors, said the Roof Hugger/Ceco Buildings partnership worked perfectly without any hitches. This was Love’s first Roof Hugger project and, according to Love, it definitely won’t be their last.

Other suppliers on the project were Curbs Plus Inc. of Ringgold, GA, who furnished numerous retrofit type curbs, and Silvercote of Wentzville, MO, who supplied 2- and 3-inch unfaced fiberglass insulation. Geramie Hancock, district sales manager for Ceco, worked to put the package together and to bring the suppliers and contractors to the table to complete this very impressive metal-over-metal retrofit reroofing project.

The college’s Mike Karickhoff remarked that the project construction went exceptionally well with very little disruption to the inside building operations and classroom teaching during the installation of the new roof system.

For more information on members of the project team, visit these websites:

Dimension Architects:

Love Contractors Inc.:

Ceco Buildings:

Roof Hugger:

Curbs Plus Inc.:


In 1963, the Indiana General Assembly began a venture in statewide community technical education that has provided the citizens of the Hoosier State the opportunity to acquire affordable education. Today, Ivy Tech Community College has grown into Indiana’s community college system with 32 campuses and classes offered in 75 communities. The college serves more than 170,000 students annually, making it the largest singly-accredited statewide community college in the United States. Ivy Tech offers more than 150 academic programs in the divisions of Health, Technology, Business and Public Services as well as a University/Transfer division to facilitate transfer of Ivy Tech credits to four-year schools.

About Roof Hugger

roof hugger logoRoof Hugger notched sub-purlins enable replacement of new metal roof panels over an old metal roof. They can be used over screw-down or standing seam roof systems and can accommodate new standing seam or screw-down panels. Roof Huggers also maintain integrity of original design loadings; achieve "thermal break" air space between old and new roof sheets; allow for optional insulation; and are laboratory and load tested—with certified load charts. For more information on metal-over-metal retrofit re-roofing, contact Roof Hugger at 800-771-1711 or visit

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