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Addressing Condensation In Uninsulated Metal Roof Applications

By Ken Buchinger, MBCI

Ken Buchinger
Ken Buchinger
MBCI Dr!pStop 1
The illustration above shows the underside of roof panels with condensation forming, while on the right side the panels are depicted with Dr!pStop backer to control condensation.

Have you ever been under a metal roof that had condensation on the bottom side of it? It is quite annoying to have the condensation falling on you like rain. Worse, if the roof is over your shop, carport, barn or self-storage unit, you have to worry about what damage it is doing to the contents of these buildings. Oftentimes people will insulate their metal roof with vinyl-backed fiberglass insulation to prevent humid air from coming into contact with the cooler metal roof, which may be at or below the dew point.

MBCI_Dr!pStop_3If you are heating or cooling a building, adding insulation would certainly be a good idea. But what about buildings that aren’t heated or cooled? If you don’t want to put vinyl-backed insulation in your roof, what other options are there?

The answer is a product called Dr!pStop, which is a felt-like material with a rubber backer that can be applied to the back side of metal panels that will trap the moisture as the condensation forms. When conditions change, usually the ambient air temperature rises raising the dew point, the moisture is released from the Dr!pStop material back into the air. MBCI can apply this material to the back of its coils (either Galvalume® Plus or painted) and then roll form the metal into Stormproof® and PBR panels.

MBCI Dr!pStop 2The Dr!pStop material is a very tough, light gray material that resists ripping, tearing or deterioration. It resists dirt and grime; is antimicrobial and is very easy to clean with a hose or pressure washer. The rubber backer on the material helps protect the back side of the panel from corrosion, though there is no protection at the panel’s cut edges. The material is approved for smoke generation and flame spread per UL 723. It also is good for acoustics and helps dampen sound from either inside or outside the building.

Roof panels with Dr!pStop are ideal for use in industrial plants, sports areas, aircraft hangars, non-climate controlled self-storage units, garages, carports, garden centers and many other buildings.

About the author: Ken Buchinger is Vice President, Business Development and R&D for MBCI. Prior to joining MBCI (now an NCI company) in 1988, Ken erected metal buildings, architectural roofing systems and structural steel for 12 years. To contact Ken, email to About MBCI


MBCI supplies a wide range of metal roofing and wall panels, along with related products. For more information, visit

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