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Design Flexibility Behind The Success Of All Weather Insulated Panels' FL40 Profile

Photographs of Ashes & Diamond Winery provided by All Weather Insulated Panels. Click images to enlarge.

The sleek, modern facing on FL40 “flat” insulated metal wall panels (IMPs) from All Weather Insulated Panels often catches the attention of architects, designers and building owners. Adding to their appeal, says Bill Lowery, president of AWIP, are design features such as porthole windows and curved walls, and just about anything else. If it's possible with an insulated metal panel, it can likely be done with an All-Weather product.

AWIP has supplied insulated wall and roof panels for more than 100 wineries, and to countless administration, maintenance, cold-storage and commercial buildings throughout North America. AWIP products come in a variety of textures and colors that are applicable to a wide variety of commercial, industrial and “mixed-use” projects.

“It’s a new era in building in North America,” said Lowery. “Insulated metal wall panels provide so much to the building owner in terms of savings of construction time, the cost of materials and long-term energy efficiency. But our IMPs also allow the designer to create new facades in any building and still meet the most stringent environmental standards.”

You can see an example of this in the new Ashes & Diamond winery in Napa, CA. Steve Kilgannon, owner of the Facility Development Company (FDC), the facility's builder, made a point of the design flexibility of the FL40s when talking with Ashes & Diamond owner Kashy Khaledi and lead architect Barbara Bestor.

“We’re long-time clients of All Weather,” said Kilgannon, “and basically, I introduced Kashy and Barbara to the FL40 panel and showed them examples of the product. I talked about the energy efficiency, the panel systems themselves, and their appearance.”

When Ashes & Diamond opened early in November 2017 it received widespread praise for its stunning visual appearance, particularly the large “porthole-style” windows on the winery’s production building.

Kilgannon said AWIP panels are scheduled for other FDC wine country projects in Oakville and Windsor. Until they're finished, architects, contractors, building owners and developers can browse plenty more All Weather projects by visiting the gallery section of the company's website at Follow-up product inquiries can be directed to, or by calling 888-970-AWIP (2947).

About All Weather Insulated Panels

Headquartered in Vacaville, California, All Weather Insulated Panels (AWIP) is an innovator in the design, construction and advancement of insulated metal wall, roof and deck solutions. They are strategically positioned to meet the growing energy, environmental and economic challenges facing the North American building industry. For more information, visit

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