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Snow Retention Planning For Next Winter Begins Now

Derek Gamble

By Derek Gamble, SnoBlox-SnoJax 

Normally, at this time of year, we have already forgotten all about winter and things like snow and ice. This year, however, is a little different. Our calendars say that spring is here, but winter has been clinging to relevance with all its might. If you are a home or building owner, this is the perfect time of year for you to begin thinking about – and researching – snow retention while it is still fresh in your mind. With temperatures now on the rise, it is the best time to prepare your roof for next winter with a snow retention system! Standing seam roofing, in particular, is still increasing in its popularity across the nation...and the world for that matter. Today we will focus on options for those of you with standing seam roofing who cannot install traditional products that require penetrating your panels.

By using the free spacing tool, contractors and building maintenance workers can determine the correct placement for the glue-down guards offered by SnoBlox. 

Standing seam roofs can pose a challenge when it comes to adding snow retention products because mechanical fastening is prohibited and will void the panel warranties. Fortunately, there are still two very effective methods of installing snow retention products that won't void your warranty. You can choose either adhesive mounted, pad style polycarbonate snow guards or a bar-style system that is clamped to the seams without penetrating the metal.

Surebond SB-190, which sets the industry standard for non-mechanical snow guard installation, is the only adhesive that we trust for use with our products. Its tensile strength, long life expectancy, and ease of application make it the preferred adhesive of SnoBlox-Snojax. Warm temperatures are, however, critical for this adhesive to function properly. Surebond SB-190 requires approximately 28 days at 50 degrees (Fahrenheit) or above in order to reach a full cure. While temps below 50 degrees will not harm the adhesive or guards, it will extend the curing time.

When planning your snow retention system with individual polycarbonate guards, your first step should be to visit This free, user-friendly site will walk you through creating a proper layout for your project. Simple step-by-step instructions make this process quick and painless. Your project-specific layout can be completed in a matter of minutes. An email will be sent directly to you with a shopping list and a pictorial diagram showing the proper spacing for your roof. Make sure to hang onto your printable layout, as it doubles as your system’s free LIFETIME warranty against guard breakage. Once you have finished and selected the snow guard that you will be installing, you can then order directly from, or give us a call at 1-800-766-5291 to speak with one of our friendly sales staff.


SnoBar is a great system for areas of the country prone to higher snow loads.

For those of you who live in climates with high snow loads, a more heavy-duty solution may be required for your building. Never fear though, because our time-proven SnoBar snow retention systems are here. Utilizing our patented, stainless steel clamps, our bar systems provide maximum protection with a slick look that can be color-matched to coordinate with any manufacturer’s stock shade. Cupped-tip stainless steel set screws create a posi-lock anchor point that allows for a stronger hold with a much lower torque setting than other systems on the market that use round-tipped screws. This significantly reduces panel deformation over time and ensures a long-lasting solution. Our IceStopper attachments may be purchased and color-matched as well for added protection against thin ice sheets avalanching from your roof and causing damage to property or injuries. Our bar systems are top of the line and come with free design service from our trained technicians. Simply fill out our quote form in the bar system section of our website or call at 1-800-766-5291 to speak with our technicians. You will always get exactly what you need the first time. As an added bonus, all designed systems come with a free LIFETIME warranty covering parts, performance, and finish!

VentSaver does as its name implies: it saves vents and pipes from being damaged by snow slides further up the roof slope.

Last, but certainly not least, let’s talk about vent pipes. Winter is a hazardous time for your vent pipes and chimneys. Snow and ice often slides into them causing flattened pipes and damaged boots. Roof leaks and damaged roof panels are also common occurrences with this type of event. Up until recently, installing protection for your vent pipes required penetration of the panels in order to fasten them mechanically. That problem is a thing of the past now, though, with the new Standing Seam VentSaver Mounting Plate Kit! This revolutionary product allows a plate to straddle the standing seams of your roof and allows a location for mounting one of our Ventsaver cricket eliminators. The same cupped-tip set screws that we trust for snow retention are used with this system in conjunction with our patented RoofClamp products. This provides additional support to your pipe and splits the snow and ice around it. You’ve got better things to do than replacing vent pipes every spring.

I know that it seems like spring will never arrive, but I promise it will. Just wait a little longer and the sun and warmth will be back again. While you are waiting, hop onto and get started planning your snow retention system today.

About SnoBlox-SnoJax

SnoBlox Meet the SupplierSnoBlox-SnoJax manufactures snow guards and snow retention products for metal and other types of roofing systems. Other products include non-penetrating rooftop mounting clamps and vent stabilizers. To learn more, visit

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