Continuing Education Courses About Insulated Metal Panel Systems

Through the years, insulated metal panel systems have evolved from being used predominantly for cold storage and industrial applications to now being featured on buildings across the entire design spectrum. Educational facilities, hospitals and wineries
are just a few of the many building types where you can expect to find insulated metal panel systems used with regularity.
Insulated metal panel systems are highly regarded for both their thermal properties and their aesthetic potential, but it is those attributes in addition to spanning capabilities and construction installation efficiencies that lead them to be chosen as
the best construction envelope solution for so many jobs.
For those wishing to expand their knowledge of insulated metal panel systems for wall and roof, Kingspan Insulated Panels offers a selection of insulated panel courses devoted to topics such as fire performance, sustainability, appearance and more.
Kingspan courses are accredited through the American Institute of Architects and offer Continuing Education credits. These courses can be delivered in live, 60-minute group sessions or taken individually online as self-paced webinars through AECDaily. Some of the courses are introductory in nature while others
assume some level of familiarity with the products prior to taking the course.
Currently, the following programs are available through Kingspan:
• Fire Performance of Insulated Metal Panel Systems (KIP 210)
• NFPA 285 – Facades and Insulation (KIP 211)
• Designing With Architectural Metal Panels (KIP 002)
• High Performance Insulated Panel Facade System (KIP 008)
• Cold Storage & Controlled Environments (KIP 010)
• Sustainable Curb Appeal (KIP 012)
• Sealing the Envelope with Insulated Metal Panels (KIP 013)
Capsulized course descriptions, downloadable prospectus flyers and registration information for the aforementioned courses are available on the Kingspan website here.
About Kingspan Insulated Panels - North America
Insulated Panels – North America is a business unit of Kingspan, a
global company operating in more than 80 countries, with over 200
manufacturing facilities. Kingspan Insulated Panels – North America
manufactures and markets three groups of products at its U.S., Canadian
and Mexican facilities: insulated metal wall and roof panel systems for
commercial/industrial construction; insulated architectural panel and
façade systems for design-driven projects; and controlled environment
panels and doors for cold-storage and climate-controlled warehousing. In
addition to its commitment to quality and innovation, the company is on
the leading edge of the sustainability movement, offering best-of-class
products produced in state-of-the-art, eco-friendly facilities. To learn more visit