Web App Showcases Design Possibilities With Aluminum Composite Material

Manning, SC - Alucoil launched its Alucoil Design microsite back in
2019 as a showcase not only for the company's flagship larson® aluminum composite material and larcore® honeycomb materials, but also for stunning projects around the world that feature those products. Updates in mid-2020 made the tool even easier to use.
Alucoil Design was created an an attractive, visual, intuitive environment with clearly designated sections that can be searched and filtered. The Colors section shows the myriad color and finish options offered by the global company, while the Product
section allows closer examination of f,inish options for each of the particular materials.
Projects can be viewed alphabetically by name or filtered by location, building type and even architect. A click on any of the representative preview images brings users a closer look at each project, with accompanying photos, product information, location,
designer, end use and year of completion.
Visit and discover all the possibilities on www.alucoildesign.com
About Alucoil North America
Alucoil North America, LLC is a domestic manufacturer of larson® aluminum and metal composite material and larcore® A2 aluminum honeycomb building panels. To learn more, visit www.alucoil.com.