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Reflective Insulation Manufacturers Association International Releases New Technical Bulletin

RIMA-I-Tech-Bulletin-IRCC-ResearchOlathe, KS - As part of its ongoing efforts to provide reliable and helpful information on the reflective insulation, radiant barrier and interior radiation control coatings (IRCCs) industries, the Reflective Insulation Manufacturers Association International has just released their latest Technical Bulletin (#112) entitled "A Review of Interior Radiation Control Coating Research".

To view the new technical bulletin in PDF format, click here.

All of RIMA-I’s technical bulletins, some of which have been translated into French and Spanish, are available on the group’s website at www.rimainternational.org. Readers will also find the latest version of RIMA-I’s handbook “”Understanding and Using Reflective Insulation, Radiant Barriers and Interior Radiation Control Coatings”” as well as a list of verified member products, information on the association, its officers and member lists, and upcoming association events and activities.

About RIMA-I

RIMA-I-logoRIMA-I represents reflective insulation, radiant barrier and interior radiation control coating (IRCC) manufacturers and other companies that are active within the industry. RIMA-I exists to educate the marketplace on the benefits of reflective technologies and to represent member's interests in establishing ASTM standards for testing and installation procedures. For more information, visit www.rimainternational.org.

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