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Jonathan Humble Receives Marty Hastings Award From CRRC

Jonathan Humble (left) received the 2014 Marty Hastings Award from the Cool Roof Rating Council.

Oakland, CA - The Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) announces Jonathan Humble of the American Iron and Steel Institute as the 2014 recipient of the Marty Hastings Award. Humble accepted the award at the CRRC’s annual Membership Meeting on June 19, 2014 in San Francisco, CA.

For over ten years, Humble has played an active role in supporting and advocating for the CRRC. In addition to serving on the Board of Directors from 2002-2006, it was noted that he continues to provide invaluable expertise as the longtime Chair of the Ratings, Codes, and Standards Committee and the ANSI standards process chair.

CRRC members have expressed an appreciation for Humble’s personal initiative as a driving force behind codes development and completion of key objectives aligning with the CRRC Strategic Plan. His tireless efforts led to the development of the ANSI/CRRC-1 Standard and subsequent versions, as well as its adoption in various codes, including the International Energy Conservation Code, the International Green Construction Code, and the ASHRAE standards

As part of the award, the CRRC has made a donation in Humble’s name to a charitable organization of his choice. This year, Humble selected the Architectural Scholarship Fund at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning (SARUP) at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. SARUP prepares future urban planners and architects with a focus on resource conservation and community-based learning.

In 2011, the CRRC Board created the Marty Hastings Award in honor of Marty Hastings, a longtime Board member, Treasurer, and Technical Committee member who passed away in 2011. Hastings contributed greatly to the CRRC and is fondly remembered for his upbeat attitude, enthusiasm, and sense of humor. To commemorate Hastings’ contributions to the organization, the CRRC created an annual award for a volunteer who has made outstanding contributions to the CRRC. Nominations for the award are solicited from the CRRC membership, and the recipient is selected by a Board-appointed committee. The award includes a donation of $500 made in the name of the recipient to a charitable organization of his/her choice, as well as complimentary Membership Meeting registration and travel costs.

About The Cool Roof Rating Council

CRRC-logoThe CRRC is a non-profit educational organization formed in 1998 to develop accurate, credible methods for evaluating and labeling the radiative properties of roofing products, and to disseminate the information to all interested parties. Contact the CRRC at info@coolroofs.org or (866) 465-2523 for more information on its programs and the ANSI/CRRC-1 Standard. To visit the CRRC website, go to www.coolroofs.org.

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