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CAID Industries Project Named Structure Of The Year By Mid-West Steel Building Company

Mid-West-CAID-1Houston, TX - The CAID Industries project in Tucson, Arizona has been named the 2014 Mid-West Structure of the Year by Mid-West Steel Building Company. Fast Fab Erectors, also of Tucson, was the builder, erector and roofing contractor on the project, and Division II was the general contractor.

CAID Industries is a leader in metal fabrication in the Southwest United States. Their facility includes 20 acres of fenced-in yard and office and production facilities.

Mid-West-CAID-2CAID’s 54,800 square foot structure is modular rigid frame, measuring 160' x 240' with a 40' eave height. Since it is in an air corridor at Tucson International Airport, the peak height was restricted. Designers used a ½:12 roof slope to obtain the maximum eave height possible, given the height restraints. Ultra Dek was used for the roofing; endwall and sidewall panels are Shadowrib.

The center interior modular rigid frame supports two 30-ton, 60' bridge cranes; an outside south bay has two 20-ton, 43' bridge cranes. They are located in partition walls with bayonet doors and when the hydraulic single-leaf doors are open, there is unrestricted crane movement through the partition walls.

Mid-West-CAID-3All roll-up doors up to 30' wide are 22' tall. The building also features 72 skylights, LED light fixtures, brightness-activated T-5 fluorescent fixtures, and 5' wall lights that extend down from the eaves on both sides.

CAID manufactured their own custom gates for the project. They are one-piece metal with the CAID logo cut into the gate design.

Construction began in January 2014 and was completed in May 2014.

About Mid-West Steel Building Company

Mid_West_Steel_Building_logoMid-West Steel Building Company offers steel frame buildings. For more information, visit www.mid-weststeel.com.

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