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D.I. Roof Seamers Opens Arizona Facility

DI-Roof-Seamers-ArizonaCorinth, MS - D.I. Roof Seamers announces the opening of the company's new facility in Mesa, Arizona.

The Arizona facility joins D.I. Roof Seamers' other locations in Corinth, Mississippi and Niagara Falls, Ontario. The new operation will house a rental fleet of metal roof seamers, hand crimpers and tools, while acting as a distribution point and service center with trained staff and service technicians. The new location will provide builders with faster shipping times to the western United States and the Pacific Northwest.

“Although a limited number of our customers are currently being serviced out of this location at this time we are seeing an increased demand and look forward to continuing this growth in the western United States and Pacific Northwest,” stated Product Development Manager Bo Newman.

About D.I. Roof Seamers

DI_Roof_Seamers_logoD.I. Roof Seamers offers roof seaming tools. To learn more, visit

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