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METALCON Show Director Claire Kilcoyne Receives Industry Honor

Claire Kilcoyne, in the center, is flanked by Metal Construction Industry board members, as well as PSMJ show staff, as she is awarded MCA's inaugural Triumph Award. 

Newton, MA – At the 25th Anniversary celebration of METALCON, the only annual international conference and exhibition focused on the use of metal in construction, Show Director Claire Kilcoyne received the Metal Construction Association’s inaugural Triumph Award. This newly created award, which has nine different categories, honors individuals and companies who have helped advance the use of metal in construction. Kilcoyne received the MCA Triumph Award as Industry Champion of the Year for spearheading the success of METALCON for 25 years. Chicago-based MCA is a co-sponsor of METALCON along with PSMJ Resources, Inc., headquartered in Newton, MA, where Kilcoyne serves as the company’s Vice President of Tradeshows.

The idea for the commendation was initiated by Keith Lipps, Vice President of Marketing and Sales from, S-5!, an MCA member company and long-time exhibitor at METALCON. “So many people do great things every day at various levels in their career and it’s their achievements that make this industry thrive. It’s everyone working together that makes this industry strong and we want to recognize the kind of contributions people like Claire make with this kind of premier award.”

Since METALCON began in 1991, Kilcoyne has led its development and brought it to an internationally recognized event that draws visitors each year from more than 50 countries. Her ability to always create a new attraction each year has consistently drawn new exhibitors and attendees to the event. The show management team headed by Kilcoyne has a long-standing record of strong exhibitor retention and those companies recognize METALCON’s position as the best place to introduce a new product to this industry. As the awareness of the benefits of metal in construction projects of all kinds has increased, the number of international visitors has grown with more than 50 countries represented among attendees.

As companies in the industry have grown, they have willingly supported METALCON’s Giving Back Program, a special initiative Kilcoyne felt was important from the beginning. Through the years, the show, its exhibiting companies, suppliers and staff have supported non-profit organizations serving the local area in which he show is held each year. Since the event rotates locations each year, its positive impact has been spread across the country. Support has been in the form of donations to local food pantries, supporting affordable housing, providing ADA compliant homes and financial support to severely injured U.S. veterans and their families, to shelter groups, raising funds for cancer research and many other worthy causes.

Kilcoyne’s ability to form relationships and draw support within and for the industry is unmatched and has been a key factor in METALCON’s continued success, notes Frank Stasiowski, Founder and President of PSMJ Resources, Inc., and co-creator of METALCON. “When I hired Claire I knew I had a winner. She did not disappoint and has met every challenge with a positive attitude and creative solution. She took a concept for a vertical event in a huge construction market and made it an international one that is a key factor in the increasing popularity of metal in construction. That’s a huge benefit to the Metal Construction Association, its members, and PSMJ Resources.”

METALCON is the metal construction industry’s largest international tradeshow and conference for metal construction products, technologies and solutions; drawing designers, builders, developers, contractors, fabricators and suppliers from more than 50 countries each year. Industry experts from nearly 300 leading companies exhibit the latest products and technology, while sharing their knowledge with attendees. Industry specialists present key topics in the show's highly-rated, education program.


METALCON-logoEstablished in 1991, METALCON is the only annual tradeshow and conference devoted exclusively to the application of metal in design and construction. Produced by PSMJ Resources, Inc., in partnership with the Metal Construction Association, METALCON’s success is based on a dynamic exhibit hall, extensive educational programs and interactive learning opportunities. The 2024 event will be held at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, October 30 - November 1, 2024. For more information, visit

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