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Swenson Shear Introduces Towable SnapTable

swenson-shear-snaptable-trailerCeres, CA - Swenson Shear, a leading supplier of innovative tools for the metal roofing industry, introduces the Towable SnapTable - "the ultimate jobsite machine". Built with contractor needs in mind, it sports a torsion axle to withstand any rigorous road or jobsite condition. With the capacity to support the SnaptableHD or SnaptablePRO, the Towable SnapTable at 19 feet is also equipped with additional room for other jobsite necessities.

"Swenson Shear has spent the last year revamping all product lines in order to continue to provide the highest quality metal panel preparation for concealed fastener panels," said Jonathan Dravecky, CEO, Swenson Shear. "In the process of doing so, a Towable SnapTable to ease transportation to and from the jobsite has always been a question we received from our contractors; we now have answered that question by offering the Towable SnapTable."

For more information about Swenson Shear's complete line of products, call 1-877-588-8748 or visit www.swensonshear.com

About Swenson Shear

Swenson Shear logoSwenson Shear offers metal panel preparation tools. For information, visit www.swensonshear.com.

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