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AISI Publishes Code Of Standard Practice For Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing, 2015 Edition

aisi-code-of-standard-practiceWashington, DC - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) has published AISI S202-15, Code of Standard Practice for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing, 2015 Edition, which supersedes the 2011 edition. It addresses trade practices for the design, fabrication and installation of cold-formed steel structural framing products. The document serves as a state-of-the-art guide and a voluntary model for establishing contractual relationships between various parties in a construction project where cold-formed steel structural materials, components or assemblies are used. It is available for free download at

The 2015 edition includes a new Section I2, Wall Panel Responsibilities; and a new Chapter J, Practices Specific to Coordination of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing With Other Trades and Materials. It references the provisions of AISI S220, North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing―Nonstructural Members and AISI S240, the new North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing. The Commentary is included to clarify the justification for the various provisions included in the document. These documents are available for free download at

The Code of Standard Practice is not applicable to nonstructural members, which are instead addressed by AISI S220-15, North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing―Nonstructural Members, 2015 Edition (free download at; ASTM C645; and ASTM C754. It is also not applicable to structural steel, structural steel joists, steel deck, metal building systems, or rack structures. These are addressed by the American Institute of Steel Construction, the Steel Joist Institute, the Steel Deck Institute, the Metal Building Manufacturers Association, and the Rack Manufacturers Institute, respectively.

AISI S202-15 is endorsed by the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry, Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute, Certified Steel Stud Association, Steel Framing Alliance, Steel Framing Industry Association, Steel Stud Manufacturers Association, Structural Building Components Association, and the Supreme Steel Framing System Association.

AISI’s codes and standards work is conducted under the Construction Market Council of the Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI), a business unit of AISI, which oversees the industry’s investment in advancing the competitive use of steel by meeting the demands of the marketplace. For more information on SMDI’s Construction Market program, visit or Follow SMDI on Facebook or Twitter (@BuildUsingSteel).

About The American Iron And Steel Institute

aisi-logoAISI serves as the voice of the North American steel industry in the public policy arena and advances the case for steel in the marketplace as the preferred material of choice. AISI also plays a lead role in the development and application of new steels and steelmaking technology. AISI is comprised of integrated and electric furnace steelmakers, and associate members who are suppliers to or customers of the steel industry. For more information, visit

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