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Steel Framing Industry Association Awards Simpson Strong-Tie With Manufacturing Compliance Certification For Cold-Formed Steel Connectors

Falls Church, VA - The Steel Framing Industry Association announces that Simpson Strong-Tie has successfully completed the requirements to earn the SFIA’s Manufacturing Compliance Certification for Cold-Formed Steel Connectors. The SFIA program is a first in the industry, and certifies that cold-formed steel (CFS) connectors consistently meet certain minimum manufacturing quality standards, as well as the requirements in the ASTM and building codes.

In CFS construction, connectors are galvanized steel straps, ties, or angles typically used to hold structural elements of a building together, such as connecting the top of a wall to the roof trusses or attaching walls to the foundation. Connectors are considered “structural elements” that play a crucial role in the design of modern buildings, and help ensure that buildings are safe even when subjected to high winds and seismic forces.

"In today’s building industry, contractors and engineers are increasingly demanding that the products they use meet a higher standard of consistency and quality than ever before. This program provides that level of assurance they are looking for," said Randy Daudet, industry manager-CFS Products, Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc.

The certification program was launched in 2013 and requires the manufacturer to develop and document clear Quality Control / Quality Assurance procedures (in accordance with ICC-ES AC 10), then identify the products to be covered by the certification program and the tolerances that each product must meet, including shape, material thickness, and corrosion protection. Certification is granted following on-site inspections and laboratory tests that verify the requirements of the program are being met. The manufacturer must also comply with annual unannounced audits to maintain their certification.

All reviews, inspections, and physical tests of certified products are conducted by Architectural Testing Inc. (ATI), an independent, third-party agency, which is one of the leading testing and certification agencies for construction and related industries. ATI is also administrator for the SFIA Code Compliance Certification Program for Structural and Nonstructural Studs and Track which covers approximately two-thirds of the cold-formed steel framing products manufactured in the United States.

“SFIA continues to leap forward in taking the lead in the unification process of CFS manufacturing and construction standards for the industry, and in expanding the markets for steel framing products. This certification program continues to serve that purpose and provides everyone in the supply chain with the assurance that SFIA-certified products will meet or exceed the specification and performance requirements each and every time,” said Larry Williams, executive director, SFIA.

Members of the SFIA can enroll in this program and participation is a requirement for SFIA Connector/Accessory Manufacturer members. This industry-wide effort helps manufacturers assure specifiers and users that their products meet code requirements. End-users of the products can be confident of a quality product when they see products bearing the SFIA certification seal.

Companies interested in learning more about the SFIA’s Manufacturing Compliance Certification should visit http://www.cfsteel.org/connector-code-compliance-certification-program

About The Steel Framing Industry Association

SFIA_logoThe Steel Framing Industry Association (SFIA) represents steel mills, coil coaters, processors, roll-formers, fabricators, engineers, material distributors and framing contractors. SFIA promotes cold-formed steel framing, advocates pro-industry codes and standards, conducts seminars and supports competitiveness through innovation. SFIA also provides statistical and trend data regarding steel usage and nonresidential construction. For more information, visit www.cfsteel.org.

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