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Residential Metal Roofing Market Share Climbs To 11% In United States, According To New Study

residential-metal-roofing-market-shareSt. Louis, MO - The demand for sustainable, eco-friendly and energy efficient home improvement materials continues to grow in North America. According to a new study conducted by Dodge Data & Analytics, the residential metal roofing industry saw a big jump in market share last year, moving from approximately 8% in 2014 to 11% in 2015.

The independent survey shows that between 2014 and 2015, the total demand for metal roofing increased from 11.7 million squares to 17.7 million squares. This is the second time residential metal roofing has achieved double-digit market share in the re-roofing segment. Metal roofing is second only to asphalt shingle roofing in the remodeling market. Asphalt market share dropped 2 points overall, and is now 78% of the U.S. market.

Dick Bus

"When the Metal Roofing Alliance (www.MetalRoofing.com) began our national consumer awareness campaign in 1998, metal only made up 3.7% of the re-roofing market. Our consistent effort to educate consumers about investment grade metal roofing has helped to build this market, and we believe even more growth is possible," said Dick Bus, President of the nonprofit Metal Roofing Alliance (MRA). "Based on this data, combined with what we know about the remodeling market in general, we can estimate that over 750,000 U.S. homeowners chose a metal roof to protect their families in 2015."

Survey Data

Dodge Data & Analytics conducts an annual repair and remodeling survey which measures the percent of homeowners who purchased building products in a given year. Questions pertaining to metal roofing types were included in the online survey which revealed the roofing choices for those households. The study reviewed metal roofing activity across nine U.S. Census regions using a representative sample that can be used to provide accurate data.

Metal roofing in the remodeling market is showing strong growth overall, and several regions are much higher than the national average. For example, in the East South Central region (which includes Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee), metal roofing reached 22%, a gain of 8 points in a year. Other big gains occurred in the South Atlantic region (which includes Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia), where metal now boasts 12% market share. Overall, metal roofing gained an average of 3 to 5 percentage points in each region.

Consumer Insights

The top reasons homeowners provided in the study for why they chose a metal roof include: longevity (26%), strength/protection (22%), attractiveness (15%) and good investment/adds value (15%).

The most popular style of metal roofing is vertical ribbed panel with 71%, followed by metal shingle/shake/tiles with 22%. Copper roofing now holds a 5% market share.

Bill Hippard

Painted metal roofs are the most popular, with 53% of homeowners installing painted panels followed by bare metal at 32% and stone coated metal roofs are at 14%, up from 8% from last year.

"The Metal Roofing Alliance was formed as a market-building organization, and that's exactly what we've done consistently for the past 18 years," stated MRA Executive Director Bill Hippard. "We've been able to more than triple metal roofing's residential market share by offering a quality, investment grade product that provides decades of protection for homes. The MRA will continue to educate homeowners and develop educational tools like the Find-A-Contractor feature and the Roofing Visualizer tool on our website to further build our market share."

About The Metal Roofing Alliance

MRA-logoRepresenting metal roofing manufacturers in the United States and Canada, the Metal Roofing Alliance (MRA) was formed in 1998 as a nonprofit organization to help educate consumers about the many benefits of metal roofs. The main objective of MRA is to increase awareness of the beauty, durability and money-saving advantages of quality metal roofs among homeowners, as well as to provide support for metal roofing businesses and contractors. For more information, visit metalroofing.com.

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