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MBCI Hosts National Manufacturing Day Event At Houston Plant

mbci-40-years-logoHouston, TX - In celebration of National Manufacturing Day 2016, NCI Building Systems, Inc. (NYSE: NCS) opened three of its manufacturing facilities to the public on October 7, including its MBCI manufacturing facility in Houston.

From left: Belinda Adams and Penny Haynes (Event Coordinators), Carlin Mueller (Vice President, Manufacturing), Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18), Kenneth Witzenman (General Manager, Manufacturing and U.S. Army Veteran), and Don Riley (President, NCI Building Systems).

More than 300 people participated in MBCI’s Manufacturing Day activities, which included facility tours, presentations from company and community leaders, a question-and-answer session and a catered lunch to participants as part of an ongoing effort to promote the strength of U.S. manufacturing and increase awareness of the outstanding career opportunities in the field. The tours showcased a working plant featuring MBCI designers, programmers and technology operators who each play a significant role in manufacturing the products that communities and industries rely on.

Students from Cold Springs – Oakhurst and Sealy ISDs, and professionals from The Lucas Group, Ernst & Young and The Welding School heard presentations given by NCI President Don Riley and NCI Vice President of Manufacturing Carlin Mueller, as well as Congressman Gene Green (TX-29) and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18).

mbci-national-manufacturing-day-2The messages delivered focused on the career and growth opportunities available in manufacturing, with Jackson-Lee sharing her views on the role of the industry in building the U.S. economy, saying “I am excited about that fact that you are, in essence, recognizing the importance of acknowledging to America that we need to make things with our hands.”

Further emphasizing the importance of the work done by manufacturing companies like MBCI, NCI was presented a United States flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol Building on October 3, 2016 and a Certificate of Congressional recognition on the occasion of National Manufacturing Day by Jackson-Lee.

About National Manufacturing Day

National Manufacturing Day is an annual event supported in local communities by thousands of manufacturers across the country. Designed to showcase modern manufacturing technology and career opportunities available to students, teachers, parents, job seekers and other local community members, these events are an important part of the effort to welcome the next generation of manufacturing workers in anticipation of the retirement of a highly-skilled workforce.

National Manufacturing Day is co-produced by the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA); the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM); the Manufacturing Institute (MI); Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), and guest producer Industrial Strength Marketing (ISM). Media partners include the Edge Factor and the Science Channel. For more information on Manufacturing Day, visit www.mfgday.com.

About MBCI


MBCI supplies a wide range of metal roofing and wall panels, along with related products. For more information, visit www.mbci.com.

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