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Beckers Group Expands Coil Coatings Factory In Poland

beckers-tarnowBerlin, Germany - Beckers Group, a global supplier of coil coatings, announces the official opening of its expanded production site in Tarnów, Poland on October 26, 2016.

In view of anticipated growth in the Central Eastern European (CEE) market for pre-coated steel, Beckers decided to expand its Polish Coil Coatings factory, erected in 2006. The three-year project doubles the size of state-of-the-art production installation, warehouse, and office space to over 6,000 square meters.

The future estimated number of staff with production at full capacity is about 80 people. Production volumes will increase significantly and an overall reduction in environmental impact will be achieved due to new smart technology.

Danuta Zyder, Beckers Poland Managing Director, stated: “The extension is a milestone for the CEE region. It ensures that we can continue our success story of providing customer-friendly and timely products and services. Beckers Poland is determined to expand to meet customers’ current and future requirements for sustainable, high-quality, cost-efficient coatings. We have a mission: to add new color to the CEE!”

About Beckers Group, Becker Specialty Corporation

Beckers supplies coil coatings used for metal construction products, among other markets. For more information, visit www.beckers-group.com.

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