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Steel Framing Alliance Updates Guide To Fire And Acoustic Data

sfa-fire-acoustic-dataWashington, DC - The Steel Framing Alliance (SFA) has published an update to “A Guide to Fire and Acoustic Data for Cold-Formed Steel Floor, Wall and Roof Assemblies”.

The document is available for free download at the SFA website at

The guide provides an online searchable directory that allows users to browse the current, complete range of fire and sound-rated cold-formed steel assemblies for residential and light commercial construction as listed by Factory Mutual Global Research, Gypsum Association, Intertek Testing Services N.A. Inc., National Research Council of Canada, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada.

The 2017 edition of the guide includes:

• 35 new assemblies

• 52 assemblies with some modifications

• A new Intertek section for floor/ceiling assembly

• A new Underwriters Laboratories (UL) section for non-load bearing suspended shaft wall ceilings.

Ten obsolete assemblies were deleted. The information was compiled by the Steel Framing Alliance and the Canadian Steel Construction Council. The previous edition of the guide was published in 2013.

About The Steel Framing Alliance

SFA-logoThe mission of the Steel Framing Alliance is to enable and encourage the widespread, practical and economical use and preference for cold-formed steel framing by identifying, maintaining, and promoting competitive advantages while identifying and preempting threats. The SFA works to expand market share in the commercial and residential construction markets with an emphasis on the growth potential of structural cold-formed steel framing in the mid-rise sector. Based in Washington, D.C., the SFA’s national network of members represents the full spectrum of trades and professions within the construction industry and virtually every product category. For more information, visit

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