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MBMA Releases Energy Code Compliance And Fire-Resistance Design Videos

Cleveland, OH -The Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) has released two new series of webinar recordings that are available on MBMA’s YouTube channel. Energy Code Compliance for Metal Buildings consists of three episodes totaling two hours, while Fire Resistance Design for Metal Buildings has five episodes of approximately 20 minutes each.

These new recorded webinars from MBMA detail the specific codes, standards and design issues related to energy and fire resistance that engineers, architects and builders need to know and understand when working with metal buildings.

“Keeping up with all the relevant codes and standards is a daunting process,” noted MBMA Director of Architectural Services Jay Johnson, LEED AP, and host of the Energy Code Compliance webinars. “These easy-to-access videos are based on our popular live webinars and make that task easier. The MBMA YouTube channel is a great resource for anyone interested in energy codes, fire resistance and metal building systems.”

Most state and local governments have adopted either the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) or ASHRAE 90.1, or both. The energy code compliance videos provide a detailed review of these codes and standards as well as information on how to apply the building envelope requirements to metal building systems. The first episode in the series introduces the viewer to insulation prescriptive compliance, which allows the building design to be based on materials dictated by the specific codes. Parts 2 and 3 discuss compliance according to the 2015 IECC and ASHRAE 90.1. The final episode provides a review and examples of the trade-off method using the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s COMcheck software.

The fire-resistance videos focus on the continually-updated fire codes and standards necessary to meet them. The first episode introduces the viewer to fire-resistance design basics. Part 2 reviews the basics of fire resistance-rated assemblies, while Part 3 provides an overview of metal building system fire resistance-rated assemblies for columns and roof-ceilings. The last two episodes detail the fire resistance-rated wall assemblies and wall joint assemblies for metal buildings. These videos review MBMA’s UL-rated assemblies and incorporate portions of MBMA’s Fire Resistance Design Guide for Metal Building Systems.

These videos and many more can be found on MBMA’s YouTube channel: Viewers can subscribe to the channel to receive updates and notifications of new videos from MBMA.

About The Metal Building Manufacturers Association

mbma-logoFounded in 1956, MBMA serves manufacturers and suppliers as it works to promote the metal building systems industry. Its membership supplies high-quality buildings for use in commercial, retail, office, industrial, institutional and other end-uses. The association provides a wealth of information on its website for anyone who works with or is interested in metal building systems. It includes technical materials and design guides. For more information, visit

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