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Eave Master Tool For Metal Roofers Introduced By Swenson Shear

swenson-eave-masterCeres, CA - Swenson Shear introduces the Eave Master as the latest addition to its SnapTable collection of products for metal roofers. It is designed to notch and hem metal panel eave cuts while offering a consistent cut on straight runs.

Designed and manufactured in the U.S., the Eave Master has an adjustable table to accommodate panel widths between 12” and 24”. Other features include:

• Inch ruler on notchers allows for an easy-to-measure hem line.

• Quick change notching station for right and left panel runs.

• Lightweight machine (125 lbs.) can be manually lifted by two people.

• Complement to Swenson's Towable SnapTable Pro machine.

“The Eave Master was made with installers’ best interests in mind," said Jonathan Dravecky, Swenson Shear's CEO. "It creates a seamless process for metal panel preparation. Our customers can easily notch and hem leading and trailing edges without ever compromising the quality of their work.”

About Swenson Shear

Swenson Shear logoSwenson Shear offers metal panel preparation tools. For information, visit

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