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Safety Awards Presented To MBMA Associate Members

Cleveland, OH - The Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) has created a new safety award category to honor Associate Member companies that demonstrate exceptional performance in maintaining workplace safety. The 2016 MBMA Safety Awards were presented at the MBMA Spring Meeting held in May in New Orleans, La.

“All injuries and work-related illnesses are preventable. We feel it is important to bring attention to those companies that promote workplace safety cultures,” said Dan Walker, PE, associate general manager of MBMA. “Our members are focused on changing each individual’s perspective to protect themselves and others on the job. MBMA is very pleased to recognize safety best practices through these awards.”

The MBMA Associate Member Safety Award was presented to the plants that achieved zero recordable cases for the 12-month period. Awards were presented to the following Associate Member firms:

• D.I. Roof Seamers
Corinth, Mississippi

• Konecranes
Houston, Texas
Watertown, Wisconsin

• Metallic Products Corporations
Houston, Texas

• S-5! Manufacturing
Iowa Park, Texas

• PDL Building Products
North Olmsted, Ohio
Stockton, California

MBMA Associate Membership is available for companies that supply raw materials, products or services to metal building systems manufacturers.

About The Metal Building Manufacturers Association

mbma-logoFounded in 1956, MBMA serves manufacturers and suppliers as it works to promote the metal building systems industry. Its membership supplies high-quality buildings for use in commercial, retail, office, industrial, institutional and other end-uses. The association provides a wealth of information on its website for anyone who works with or is interested in metal building systems. It includes technical materials and design guides. For more information, visit

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