Steelscape Wins 2017 NCCA Safety Award
Ed Musingo (center) presents the 2017 NCCA Safety Award to (From Left) Corbin Persingeti, Chris Carlson, Sia Gould and Don Sharer of Steelscape. |
Cleveland, OH – The National Coil Coating Association (NCCA) presented its 2017 Safety Award to the Steelscape facility in Kalama, Washington. The award was announced at NCCA’s Fall Technical Meeting in Fort Worth on September 27.
The NCCA Safety Committee selected Steelscape from 40 plants that were considered for the award. The entries were judged on the basis of data reported to OSHA. The Safety Committee interviewed the top four plants, and then visited the top two plants to evaluate their safety programs. Steelscape's record speaks for itself, with no recordable incidents from 2013 to 2016.
“The safety culture is deeply ingrained in Steelscape's work force, and their employee involvement is commendable,” said Ed Musingo, the chair of NCCA’s Safety Committee.
Steelscape received this award seven other times and has an unparalleled long-term safety record that provides evidence of the effectiveness of its programs. Upper management continues to strongly support the safety program, as they continue to invest in safety improvements in the plant.
About The National Coil Coating Association
The National Coil Coating Association (NCCA) is an established trade organization dedicated to the growth of coil coated products. The NCCA consists of
over 100 member companies that are at the forefront of the industry. They provide coil coating services and are leading manufacturers and suppliers of metal, coatings, chemicals, and equipment. The members of the organization also process and warehouse
the coil coated products prior to their delivery to the user industries. For more information, contact NCCA at 216-241-7333 or email at Visit the NCCA website