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McElroy Metal Offers Online AIA Course

aia-continuing-education-logoBossier City, LA – McElroy Metal, a manufacturer of top-of-the-line metal roofing products, is offering a continuing education course in metal roof design for architects at

The course, Metal Roof Design: Top 10 Problems and How to Solve Them, is based on an article and seminar conducted for the Roof Consultants Institute by metal roofing industry experts Brian Gardner and Charlie Smith and can be accessed by members at

Metal roofing is gaining in popularity in both commercial and residential markets due to its durability, low operational cost and sustainability. Owner expectations for this product family have increased as well and now include heightened aesthetics and long-term performance. While metal roofing systems are certainly up to these challenges, when they fail due to improper installation, the results are costly. Consequently, it’s imperative designers have full knowledge of metal roof design and detailing. The course covers 10 problems metal roof designers face and describes how these problems can be prevented through proper design.

About McElroy Metal

McElroy Metal logoSince 1963, McElroy Metal has served the construction industry with quality products and excellent customer service. The employee-owned components manufacturer is headquartered in Bossier City, La., and has 14 manufacturing facilities across the United States. Quality, service and performance have been the cornerstone of McElroy Metal’s business philosophy and have contributed to the success of the company through the years. As a preferred service provider, these values will continue to be at the forefront of McElroy Metal’s model along with a strong focus on the customer. More information can be found at

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