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Steel Deck On Cold-Formed Steel Framing Design Manual Published By SDI


Glenshaw, PA - The Steel Deck Institute (SDI) has published the First Edition of the SDI Steel Deck on Cold-Formed Steel Framing Design Manual, which complies with the requirements of the SDI Design Standards incorporated into the 2018 International Building Code.

The design and usage of steel deck on cold-formed steel framing is similar to deck supported on open web steel joists or rolled beams, but there are some critical differences. The SDI Steel Deck on Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual points out those differences, and provides the design guidance that is necessary to enable steel deck to be properly used in this application. The 241-page manual includes applications for steel floor and roof deck, including diaphragms. The extensive commentary, 7 design examples, diaphragm tables, and fastener properties contained in the manual are an excellent resource for engineers and architects.

"This manual will be an excellent resource for structural engineers and architects who are venturing into using steel deck on cold-formed floor and roof framing,” said Thomas Sputo, Ph.D., P.E., S.E., the Technical Director of the SDI and author of the manual. “Interfacing steel deck effectively with cold-formed steel trusses is a particular emphasis of this manual."

The manual is available as a free PDF download from the SDI website (, or as a printed manual for the discounted price of $30.

About The Steel Deck Institute

Steel-Deck-Institute-logoSince 1939, the Steel Deck Institute has provided uniform industry standards for the engineering, design, manufacture, and field usage of steel floor and roof decks. Members of SDI are manufacturers of steel floor and roof decks. For more information, visit

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