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Beckers Group Publishes 2017 Sustainability Report


Berlin, Germany - Sustainability-driven innovation becomes more and more important in the coatings industry as processes and products can have a significant impact on the environment. Global industrial coatings company Beckers Group has published its 2017 Sustainability Report, giving a comprehensive picture of last year’s activities and showing the progress the company has made.

The highlights include contributions on sustainable innovation, research initiatives and partnerships with stakeholders along the value chain, relevant data showing progress in operations, and Beckers’ vision on further steps and improvements. The new report particularly focuses on Beckers’ sustainable value proposition and bringing sustainability to the market.

Bernd Vogel, CTO of Beckers Group, explained the background: “Taking responsibility does not stop within our organization, we want to fully integrate sustainability in our business and therefore work with stakeholders along the value chain – including suppliers and customers – to drive the change the world needs.”

Nicklas Augustsson, Global Sustainability Director at Beckers, added: “Creating a sustainable value proposition means more than developing innovative products, it needs a clear, holistic vision. The report helps us to communicate what we are doing, but it also shows the areas we need to work on.”

Beckers’ Sustainability Report 2017 comes in a new digital format with embedded videos including stakeholder interviews on joint developments of sustainable products. Beckers started its reporting in 2012 and adheres to the globally recognized GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standard. The report can be viewed at

About Beckers Group, Becker Specialty Corporation

Beckers supplies coil coatings used for metal construction products, among other markets. For more information, visit

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