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Recently Formed MBCEA Marketing Committee Convenes In New Jersey

Clinton, NJ - Keith Wentworth, President of the Metal Building Contractors and Erectors Association (MBCEA) formed a Marketing Committee in May to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the association and to identify areas for improvement. After several telephone meetings and surveys of leadership, the committee convened on July 26-27 for a brainstorming session.

Attending MBCEA's first Marketing Committee meeting were (l to r): Steve Webster, Dutton & Garfield; Robert Tiffin, Silvercote; Art Hance, Hance Construction; Keith Wentworth, Dutton & Garfield; Tim Seyler, S&S Structures; Gary Smith, Metal Buildings Institute; Jackie Meiluta, MBCEA; Sasha Demyan, MBCEA; and Amanda Storer, Metl-Span.

"Awareness of the MBCEA in the industry is our top priority," said a press release about the meeting. "We will continue to explore how to bring pride to our organization and to continue to grow our shared experiences, knowledge and success."

The MBCEA was formed in 1968 to serve the needs and support the interests of metal building contractors and erectors. It has 3 main goals:

• Education: To provide programs and venues that enhance education opportunities for metal building contractors and erectors.

• Image Enhancement: To develop programs to enhance the image of metal building contractors and erectors, and the metal building industry.

• Grassroots Support: To develop and maintain programs specifically designed to support and respond to the needs of the grassroots membership of the MBCEA.

The association boasts membership from virtually every aspect of the industry and all 50 States and Canada.

About The Metal Building Contractors And Erectors Association

mbcea-logoThe MBCEA was formed in 1968 to serve the needs and support the interests of metal building contractors and erectors. Its three main goals are: to provide programs and venues that enhance education opportunities for metal building contractors and erectors; to develop programs to enhance the image of metal building contractors and erectors, and the metal building industry; and to develop and maintain programs specifically designed to support and respond to the needs of the grassroots membership of the MBCEA. The association has membership from virtually every aspect of the industry throughout North America and across the globe. For more information, visit or contact Sasha Demyan at 484-239-3337.

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