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RICOWI Releases Roofing Investigation Report On Hurricane Irma

New Franklin, OH - The RICOWI Board of Directors announced the release of an investigation report on Hurricane Irma on September 23, 2018. The Wind Investigation Program (WIP) Committee deployed volunteer hurricane wind investigators after Hurricane Irma made landfall. Team members for the hurricane wind investigations were wind engineers, roofing material specialists, insurance analysts, structural engineers, and consultants.

The report can be downloaded at

The WIP mission is to investigate the field performance of roof assemblies after major wind storm events, factually describe roof assembly performance and modes of damage, and formally report results of investigations and damage modes for substantiated wind speeds.

This program places experts in the field that have the required product knowledge and program training to ensure that sound, scientific and unbiased reporting occurs. Buildings will be safer, property losses will be reduced and industry will meet the challenge with clear insight as to needed direction. The reports generated by RICOWI investigation teams are utilized to help educate, improve products, installation techniques, safety and reduce overall roofing and insurance costs for the industry. The results will also provide a valuable resource to FEMA and state emergency management agencies.

"This is an important undertaking by the report writers and team members," said RICOWI chairman David Balistreri. "As always, the uniqueness of research reports from RICOWI is the ability to produce an unbiased factual report.”

RICOWI conducted five of the most comprehensive roofing investigations of hurricane stricken areas: Hurricanes Charley (Aug. 13/04), Ivan (Sept. 16/04), Katrina (Aug. 29/05) Ike (Sept. 13/08), and a smaller investigation for Hurricane Irma (Oct. 31/17). All research reports are available online as a download at

Based on the success of the past investigations, RICOWI’s Board of Directors approved a hurricane investigation for 2018. When an event occurs, up to eight four-members teams will be assembled, along with several observers.


ricowi-logoThe Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues Inc. (RICOWI) is a non-profit organization comprised of the major roofing associations and includes members of academia, educational and testing facilities and others involved in the science of roofing. RICOWI is dedicated to and charged to research and study major weather incidents in relation to roof issues. For additional details, copies of reports issued and other materials, visit

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