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AISI Publishes Two New Cold-Formed Steel Research Reports

Washington, DC - The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) has published two new cold-formed steel research reports: 1) “RP18-2: Design Example for Analytical Modeling of a Curtainwall and Considering the Effects of Bridging (All-Steel Design Approach)” and 2) “RP18-3: Determination of Effective Standoff in Standing Seam Roof Systems.”

Both of the research reports are available for free download here.

“RP18-2: Design Example for Analytical Modeling of a Curtainwall and Considering the Effects of Bridging (All-Steel Design Approach)” illustrates how to apply the provisions in AISI S100-16, North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members, 2016 Edition in a practical example by analytically modeling a curtainwall and considering the effects of bridging. The modeling procedure may also be applicable to other framing systems. The example uses two software packages, MASTAN2 (a structural analysis program) and CUFSM (a cold-formed steel member finite strip analysis program). The input data used in the example can be downloaded via the link provided in the research report.

“RP18-3: Determination of Effective Standoff in Standing Seam Roof Systems” documents the results of a test program undertaken to better understand the horizontal force transfer between a purlin and standing seam sheathing. A series of 25 tests was performed on a variety of clip, panel, seam and insulation configurations to determine both the effective standoff and rotational stiffness of the panel-clip connections. The test program was intended to represent a broad sample of systems in use by the industry.

“These two projects ranged from the performance of component level testing to increase the body of knowledge on the behavior of cold-formed steel roofing systems to the development of design examples to illustrate how to apply new design provisions for cold-formed steel framing,” said Jay Larson, P.E., F.ASCE, managing director of AISI’s Construction Technical Program. “The projects illustrate the variety of applications and breadth of activities needed to support the use of cold-formed steel in construction. AISI and SMDI (Steel Market Development Institute, a business unit of AISI) member companies recognize the strategic importance of technical research and development to provide substantiation for advances in the codes and standards arena, and they also understand the need for technology transfer to ensure that knowledge generated has its full impact in the marketplace.”

AISI’s codes and standards work is conducted under the Construction Market Council of the Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI), a business unit of AISI, which increases and defends the use of steel by developing innovative materials, applications and value-added solutions for customers in the automotive, construction and packaging markets. For more information on SMDI’s Construction Market program, Follow SMDI Construction on Twitter @BuildUsingSteel.

About The American Iron And Steel Institute

aisi-logoAISI serves as the voice of the North American steel industry in the public policy arena and advances the case for steel in the marketplace as the preferred material of choice. AISI also plays a lead role in the development and application of new steels and steelmaking technology. AISI is comprised of integrated and electric furnace steelmakers, and associate members who are suppliers to or customers of the steel industry. For more information, visit

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