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East Coast Fasteners Introduces The Ply-Lo Driller

east-coast-fastener-ply-lo-drillerElkhart Lake, WI - The Ply-Lo Driller from East Coast Fasteners is the latest innovative addition to the company’s fastener line, designed to save contractors time and money.

The Ply-Lo Driller features a patent pending design intended to be more forgiving. This means the tip is designed to reduce the likelihood of “walking” when fasteners are driven at a slight angle. Less walking means quicker and easier installation as well as a reduction in material damage and waste.

The Ply-Lo Driller is available in colors to match virtually any panel as a #10 fastener in lengths of 1, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2 and 3 inches.

About East Coast Fasteners & Closures

east-coast-fasteners-logoEast Coast Fasteners & Closures produces fasteners for use with metal panels and other building materials, along with closures, pipe flashing and related products. For more information, visit

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