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SFS Group USA Unveils Calculator For Cladding Attachment System

sfs-nvelope-calculatorWyomissing, PA - Nvelope and SFS Group USA announce the launch of the Nvelope Budget Calculator, which is now available on the Nvelope US Website. Designed and programmed by a team of estimators and engineers, the calculator offers a simple budgeting solution for Nvelope product.

It only takes a few moments to fill out the required fields and receive an estimated price per square foot for the sub-framing products needed for a project. After completion, the customer will instantly receive an email detailing the list of project conditions, along with pricing. In addition, they will be connected to an Nvelope team member, who will then assist as needed.

The Nvelope product line provides attachment systems that integrate with an array of cladding design options. Nvelope consists of multiple aluminum bracket and rail systems that provide a thermally broken system to meet ASHRAE 90.1 continuous insulation specifications. SFS Group USA offers these systems, along with engineering support and a seamless fulfillment process.

To view the new calculator, visit

About SFS Group USA

SFS Group USA offers a variety of products for construction markets, including metal construction fasteners and rain screen attachment systems. For more information, visit

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