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RICOWI Releases 2018 Hurricane Michael Roof Investigation Report

ricowi-hurricane-michael-reportNew Franklin, OH - The Roofing Industry Committee On Weather Issues Inc. (RICOWI) has published its Wind Investigation Report of Hurricane Michael in Florida on October 10, 2018. The purpose of the project was to document the effects of extreme wind impact on a variety of roofing products - including metal roofs on several buildings - and to describe roof assembly performance and modes of damage.

RICOWI deployed teams to investigate conditions of roofs in the areas impacted by Hurricane Michael in the Gulf Coast landfall regions of Florida and surrounding areas. This report covers the investigations of October 25-26, 2018.

As stated in the report's executive summary, "Michael made landfall on October 10, 2018 as a Category 5 event. This storm was the worst case scenario for Mexico Beach, Florida, and its surroundings near Panama City. It was the third-strongest hurricane on record, in terms of pressure, to make landfall in the United States, and had the strongest winds since Hurricane Andrew made landfall in 1992. Economists predict Michael will cost $25 billion."

Information on the damage encountered, including photos and specific details, is included in the unbiased report.

Sponsoring members of RICOWI include: the Metal Construction Association, the Metal Building Manufacturers Association, the Copper Development Association and several other groups.

The free Hurricane Michael report can be downloaded at


ricowi-logoThe Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues Inc. (RICOWI) is a non-profit organization comprised of the major roofing associations and includes members of academia, educational and testing facilities and others involved in the science of roofing. RICOWI is dedicated to and charged to research and study major weather incidents in relation to roof issues. For additional details, copies of reports issued and other materials, visit

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