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Energy And Sustainability Discussed At MBMA Workshop

Cleveland, OH - The Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) recently held a one-day workshop on Energy and Sustainability for MBMA members. This symposium, held in Grapevine, TX, on November 6, highlighted current energy and sustainability projects underway through MBMA, as well as information on where the energy standards and codes are headed and how the industry can stay ahead of upcoming changes.

“With experts from across the industry presenting the latest research, we are making sure that our members have leading-edge information and resources,” noted MBMA General Manager Tony Bouquot. “This seminar is also a good example of how MBMA is working to keep metal building systems at the forefront of energy and sustainability efforts throughout the building industry.”

This workshop included 10 speakers presenting a range of energy and sustainability issues and projects that are important to those who design, build and work with metal buildings. It kicked off with Jamie Meil of the Athena Institute speaking about Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and the Athena Impact Estimator Software. Arnold Corbin of Metl-Span described the benefits of insulated metal panels (IMPs), while Bob Zabcik of Merlin Solar Technologies demonstrated whole building energy modelling.

Meghan McDermott and Francis Conlin of High Performance Building Solutions explored the issue of air leakage in metal buildings as well as MBMA’s efforts to get ahead of upcoming whole-building air leakage testing requirements. AISI’s Jonathan Humble and consulting engineer Merle McBride, Ph.D., spoke to ASHRAE and IECC energy code updates and changes, while Patrick Roppel, with Morrison Hershfield, presented the preliminary results of their hygrothermal study of metal building roof and wall assemblies. MBMA Energy Committee Chairman Rick Haws, with Nucor Building Group, reviewed what to expect when the energy code changes and how it can be difficult to keep abreast of which version a state or municipality has adopted.

MBMA Director of Research and Engineering Lee Shoemaker, Ph.D., P.E., finished the day by highlighting all the resources that are available to members and anyone who peruses the website. These include metal building EPDs and MBMA’s LCA report as well as information on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) LCI Database, Athena Impact Estimator and the US Department of Energy’s COMcheck software. There are also extensive technical manuals and publications, including the MBMA Energy Design Guide for Metal Building Systems, available for purchase at

About The Metal Building Manufacturers Association

mbma-logoFounded in 1956, MBMA serves manufacturers and suppliers as it works to promote the metal building systems industry. Its membership supplies high-quality buildings for use in commercial, retail, office, industrial, institutional and other end-uses. The association provides a wealth of information on its website for anyone who works with or is interested in metal building systems. It includes technical materials and design guides. For more information, visit

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