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Steel Deck On Cold-Formed Steel Framing To Be Topic Of CFSEI Webinar

Washington, DC - The Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI) will host a webinar on “Steel Deck on Cold-Formed Steel Framing” on Thursday, December 19, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. EST. The webinar is designed for architects, engineers, building officials and contractors. Participants are eligible for 1.5 PDHs.

Based on the Steel Deck Institute’s (SDI) “Steel Deck on Cold-Formed Steel Framing Manual,” participants will learn: 1) the differences between using steel deck on hot-rolled and cold-formed steel framing, 2) how to properly detail steel deck on cold-formed steel framing, and 3) how to design steel deck diaphragms for combined shear and wind uplift. The webinar will also demonstrate the SDI Diaphragm Design Tool, which provides diaphragm designs for combined diaphragm shear and wind uplift on roofs. Webinar participants will gain a better understanding of how to use steel deck on floors and roofs.

SDI’s “Steel Deck on Cold-Formed Steel Framing Manual” is the first design manual that specifically focuses on how to integrate steel roof and floor deck with cold-formed steel roof and floor framing. More information on the webinar and registration details are available at

Thomas Sputo, Ph.D., P.E., S.E., SECB will present the webinar. Sputo is the technical director of the Steel Deck Institute, a trade organization of steel deck manufacturers representing over 95% of the volume of steel deck manufactured in the U.S. each year. He is also a consulting structural engineer with the Gainesville, Florida firm of Sputo and Lammert Engineering, LLC, and an Emeritus Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering at the University of Florida. He is SECB-certified and holds a P.E. license in 12 states plus an S.E. license in Illinois. Sputo graduated from The Citadel with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and from the University of Florida with an M.E. and Ph.D. in Structural Engineering.

About The Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute

CFSEI_logoThe Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute comprises hundreds of structural engineers and other design professionals who are finding a better way to produce safe and efficient designs for commercial and residential structures with cold-formed steel. CFSEI members work together to develop and evolve industry standards and design methods, produce and issue technical bulletins, and provide seminars and online training to improve the knowledge and skills base of engineers and design professionals. For more information, visit

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