MRA Announces Kickoff Of Best Residential Metal Roofing Projects Competition
Roofing was selected the 2018 winner of MRA’s Best Metal Roofing
competition for a residential re-roofing project in California designed
to help protect against wildfire. |
Portland, OR —The Metal Roofing Alliance (MRA), the leading nonprofit
trade organization representing the industry in the U.S. and Canada, is kicking off a quarterly competition for roofing contractors, installers and manufacturers to select the best residential metal roofing projects for 2020.
Open to U.S. and Canada contractors, installers and manufacturers, MRA officials will select one outstanding metal roofing project each quarter based on project appearance, performance and originality/use of materials. The winning entries will be highlighted
and featured on MRA’s website and across its digital channels, which attract hundreds of thousands of homeowners interested in metal roofing each year. Interested participants may upload their project photo along with a 200-word or less description
for why their metal roofing project is worthy of top honors online at MRA’s quarterly honorees for 2020 will be selected in March,
June, September and December and only residential metal roofing projects in the U.S. and Canada will be considered.
“Our goal is to celebrate and call attention to the outstanding work that is being done out there in the industry. MRA members support quality standards and best practices that help ensure metal roofs deliver exceptional, long-lasting reliability
that performs as beautifully as it looks,” said Renee Ramey, MRA Executive Director. “That’s important, because a quality metal roof not only maximizes a home’s curb appeal, but it can outperform anything else on the market
when it comes to durability, low-maintenance and sustainability.”
For more information about how to enter MRA’s “Best Metal Roofing” competition for the trades, visit
About The Metal Roofing Alliance
Representing metal roofing manufacturers in the United States and Canada, the Metal Roofing Alliance (MRA) was formed in 1998 as a
nonprofit organization to help educate consumers about the many benefits of metal roofs. The main objective of MRA is to increase awareness of the beauty, durability and money-saving advantages of quality metal roofs among homeowners, as well as to
provide support for metal roofing businesses and contractors. For more information, visit