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Trade Shows, Conventions And Meetings Affected By The Coronavirus

coronavirus-dbwm-184Due to concerns related to the coronavirus (COVID-19), several industry trade shows and meetings have been canceled or postponed. The following is a list of those event changes that we're currently aware of, each with a link for further information. This list will be updated as new reports are received.

The latest...

Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association Convention and Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Expo 2020...scheduled for July 15-17 in Kissimmee, FL, has been canceled. www.floridaroof.com/convention/

Western Roofing Expo 2020...scheduled for June 7-9 in Las Vegas, NV, has been changed from an in-person event to a virtual conference, and rescheduled for July 1-15. http://westernroofingexpo.com/

Metal Building Contractors & Erectors Association Annual Conference 2020...scheduled for May 7-9 in Aurora, CO, had been previously canceled. However, a number of the originally planned programs will now be presented virtually over a period from May 19 to June 9. https://www.mbcea.org/annual-mbcea-conference/

BOMA International Conference and Expo...scheduled for June 27-30 in Philadelphia, PA, has been changed from an in-person event to a virtual conference, and rescheduled for July 7-9. https://www.bomaconvention.org/BOMA2020/Public/MainHall.aspx?ID=5372

Metal Construction Association Summer Meeting...scheduled for June 16-18 in Rosement, IL, has been changed from an in-person event to a virtual conference. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eh2hx9lm154dd2a1&llr=xcurcxcab&showPage=true

The rest of the list...

ASTM International...has canceled all in-person standards development meetings, including independent meetings, scheduled for April and May. https://www.astm.org/MEETINGS/

Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute Annual Expo 2020...scheduled for May 19-20 in Tampa, FL, has been canceled. https://www.cfsei.org/

PCBC 2020...scheduled for June 10-11 in San Francisco, CA, has been canceled. https://www.pcbc.com

International Institute Of Building Enclosure Consultants International Convention & Trade Show 2020...has been rescheduled as a virtual conference, June 12-14. https://iibec.org/education/international-convention-2020/#ts20register

Fenestration And Glazing Industry Alliance Summer Conference 2020...scheduled for June 22-25 in Chicago, IL, has been changed to a virtual conference. https://aamanet.org/events/249/2020-fgia-virtual-summer-conference#details

ASHRAE Annual Conference 2020...scheduled for June 27 - July 1 in Austin, TX, has changed from an in-person event to a virtual conference. https://www.ashrae.org/professional-development/all-instructor-led-training/2020-ashrae-annual-conference

To add your event cancellation or postponement to this list, please send info to contactus@designandbuildwithmetal.com.

For a list of events that still appear to be progressing as planned, visit https://designandbuildwithmetal.com/calendar. Links appear for each of these events, and you'll find that most are providing updates on their assessments of the coronavirus situation.

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