S-5! Launches Social Media Campaign To Spread Awareness Of COVID-19 Fight
Rob Haddock |
Colorado Springs, CO - S-5! Metal Roof Innovations, one of the world’s
leading authorities on metal roof attachment solutions, joins the Colorado Governor’s #DoingMyPartCO campaign to spread awareness on the fight against COVID-19 by launching its very own #DoingMyPartS5 campaign.
In mid-March, Colorado Governor Jared Polis launched a social media campaign aimed at spreading awareness on the fight against coronavirus, asking residents to share how they are helping to slow the spread of coronavirus.
As S-5! employees emerge with incredibly unique and touching stories, the company is joining Colorado's campaign by extending an invitation to all of its staff and customers worldwide to participate in this worthy endeavor.
“We encourage our employees and customers to share photos or videos of themselves doing their part in stopping the spread of the virus,” said CEO and Founder, Rob Haddock.
“Be sure to tag your family or friends to do the same. That could simply be a short video or still shot of working from home, homeschooling, washing
your hands, making masks for healthcare workers and community members, video calls instead of visiting, or getting groceries for a high-risk neighbor," Haddock said.
"We need to spread the word about what we're doing to social distance and help one another during these uncertain times, so we can encourage others to do the same," Haddock adds. "So, we are launching #DoingMyPartS5. We have employees who are making masks,
volunteering on the front lines, etc.”
S-5! employee, Kristi Hilligrass who is based in Colorado Springs, along with
her mother’s book club, is making masks to donate to healthcare workers. They gathered fabric, elastic, and a N95 mask cover template and got to work.
“Over the course of three weeks, working our jobs during the day and making masks by night, together we have made 2,500 masks,” said Hilligrass. “The masks have evolved over time, and we are now making them with filters inside.”
“We have donated the masks to Colorado hospitals, doctors’ offices and nursing homes as well as to our families and friends, coworkers, and even strangers at stores and gas stations,” said Hilligrass. “We have shipped masks to
more than seven states thus far. About one week ago, orders started flooding in; companies want them for their employees, grocery store managers for their store workers – the need is overwhelming.”
S-5! employee, Juan Carlos Fuentes, based in Franklin Township, Pennsylvania
is volunteering on the front lines as a volunteer firefighter with his local fire station.
"I wanted to help the community where we live,” said Fuentes. “My grandfather was a firefighter director in Chile, so the fire service has always been in my blood. I completed my essential training at the fire academy and since then, I have
been in the volunteer fire service, attending a variety of calls during COVID-19.”
“And, that’s just a drop in the bucket with what S-5! employees and customers are doing to help stop the spread of the coronavirus,” said
Haddock. “Please join us by participating in #DoingMyPartS5.”
About S-5!®
Founded by a renowned metal roof expert, S-5! has been the leading authority on metal roof attachment solutions since 1992. S-5!’s lifetime zero-penetration clamps and brackets attach virtually anything to most metal roof types, while maintaining
roof integrity and warranties. Made in the U.S.A., S-5! solutions are engineered for a variety of roof-mounted applications and are now installed on more than 2.5 million metal roofs, including 8 gigawatts of rooftop solar, providing strength
and longevity never before seen. For more information, visit s-5.com.