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Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium Announces New Conference

cfsrc-colloquiumAbstracts for session topics are requested by May 27, 2020

Baltimore, MD - The Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium (CFSRC) announces the CFSRC Colloquium, a new entirely online, global conference that will take place in October 2020. The colloquium will benefit researchers, professionals and students interested in cold-formed steel structural engineering and related topics.

The colloquium will consist of full online proceedings. Sessions will be aligned with different times of the day to accommodate global participants. Additional interactivity for the online sessions and opportunities for participants to share ideas are being planned. Costs to participate in the colloquium are being finalized but will be kept to a minimum for speakers.

CFSRC is currently seeking input and speakers for the sessions and has issued a call for papers related to cold-formed steel structural engineering and related topics. Interested persons are requested to submit an abstract by May 27, 2020. A form is available at A team from CFSRC will review the abstracts and notify finalists of their decisions in early June. Final papers are due in early September 2020. Questions about the colloquium should be sent to

About The Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium

The CFSRC is a multi-institution shared-use platform for conducting research on cold-formed steel structures. CFSRC spans 11 universities in North America through both its member universities and affiliated investigators. CFSRC utilizes its team of researchers in cooperation with industry partners to develop a long-term vision of cold-formed steel research compatible with larger-scale funding initiatives and society-level priorities. For more information, visit

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